Dear Editor,
In the June 23 edition of the QCT, you write about the City’s Accessibility Action Plan, unveiled June 7. At the same time, I noticed a complete lack of care in this area. At the beginning of June, I noticed a small work zone on Avenue Bourlamaque that constituted a trap for the blind – a section of sidewalk had been removed and there was no temporary protection. On June 8, I phoned 311 to complain about this completely unacceptable situation. I went back to the area on June 14 and nothing had changed. I think the situation wasn’t corrected until June 25, when workers finally poured the concrete. This is a far cry from the City’s lofty goals.
Best regards,
Paul Mackey
Quebec City

construction on Avenue Bourlamaque. (Photo courtesy of Paul Mackey)
LETTER: Accessibility plan doesn’t reflect reality was last modified: July 6th, 2021 by