Quebec City Women’s Club bursary deadline approaching

Quebec City Women’s Club bursary deadline approaching

Submitted by Marie Coyea, bursary chairperson, Quebec City Women’s Club

Each year, the Quebec City Women’s Club (QCWC) selects women to support the continuation of their studies at a university through the QCWC bursary program.

To be eligible, a candidate must be 18 years of age or older; a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or recognized refugee; from the Quebec City region; and comfortable in English.

Applicants must demonstrate past academic performance, extracurricular involvement and financial need. If shortlisted, candidates must undertake an oral and written interview in English.

The application deadline is Sept. 24, 2024. For a copy of the application form, please contact Kathleen Poulin at the Citadel Foundation ( or Marie Coyea, Quebec City Women’s Club bursary chairperson (418-878-4581 or

Quebec City Women’s Club bursary deadline approaching was last modified: August 20th, 2024 by QCT Editor