1850 The Morning Chronicle A man and two boys lost their lives yesterday morning under the following circumstances. A notion seized the boys, who were playing about a well …
Cutting new president of Townshippers Association
The Townshippers Association’s Board of Directors has elected Gerry Cutting as its new president. Cutting, former vice-president of the Association takes over from Michael van Lierop who is stepping down …
Revisiting “closed” debates
Monseigneur Ouellet’s recent comments and letters in the press have drawn some heavy criticism from commentators and citizens, and personal attacks by Facebook groups, referring to him as being a …
Learning from history
As any high school student knows, the reason we study history is that if we are to move ahead intelligently, we must look back first. Let’s look back at one …
Canada, so be it
On the eve of Canada Day, eight years ago, I draped my Maple Leaf Flag from my balcony and figured, “Well that’s it, I’ve done my duty as a Canadian …
Thank you and a clarification
We want to thank the QCT’s intern Pauline Moisy for taking the time to come out and visit CEDEC and for listening to our plans for one of our activities …
Newsie Notes for June 30, 2010
Canada Day Picnic, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Valcartier invites you to our annual picnic Thursday,July 1 at the Valcartier Community Centre at 3 p.m. Races! Euchre! Canteen! Bake Table! Fish …
English change ringing at Holy Trinity
Every Saturday during the months of July and August and possibly extending until mid-September, there will be demonstrations of English Change Ringing at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. These …
New electoral officers appointed
Marcel Blanchet, Chief Electoral Officer of Québec, has announced that 28 returning officers were appointed on June 16 and 21 of this year. In each electoral division the returning officer …
VEQ seeks participants in twinning program
The Voice of English-speaking Quebec is looking for both English and French-speaking individuals and families interested in twinning with an individual or a family from the opposite community to interact …