But let’s reverse a bit. It all started a while back when, being a fledgling amateur historian, I got a yen to do some snooping around in the C-T’s archives. …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1850The Morning Chronicle We publish below the Census of the City of Montreal, which has just been completed. The last Census was taken in 1844, at which period the whole …
QAC Finishes Final Rehearsals
The stage is set, the costumes are ready, and rehearsals are over – only full, live audiences await the cast and crew of the Quebec Art Company’s spring production of …
Québec High School Play Start Friday
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A Great Badminton Tournament
On April 15th 2010, a badminton tournament was held at the Polyvalente Benoit-Vachon inSte-Marie de Beauce. The event was set up to allow people to play and improvetheir badminton skills. From …