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Rochester, N.Y. youth orchestra “excited” by Saint-Dominique performance
The economy being what it is, the Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra would have a hard time justifying a trip to Europe this year. “We didn’t think it was right to …
Capitales: New manager to defend league title
They’ll be missing one of their key pitchers from last year’s Can-Am League championship team and their manager has moved to the front office, but the Quebec Capitales are approaching …
A young Canadian soldier dies in Afghanistan
Funeral services were held Monday in Plattsville, Ontario for Private Tyler William Todd, who last week became the 142nd Canadian Forces soldier to die in combat in Afghanistan. Todd, who …
Newsie Notes April 21, 2010
I am a member of the QHS PPO and we are organizing a Flea Market to raise money for different activities in the school, mostly to help pay for all …
Jean Charest rapidly approaching “Best Before” date
Let’s face it. Politicians are like so many cans of baked beans on the grocery store shelf. They’ve all got a certain shelf life, with a more or less pre-ordained …
Man’s search for God
In most of our minds conceptions of the Church compete with those of the church and we find ourselves acknowledging and even promoting something God never really intended. The same …
Even the feminists are not in support of bill 94
On March 25, the government of Jean Charest announced Bill 94, an act that would prevent women wearing the niqab from accessing hospitals, daycares, schools, universities, and other public services, …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1850The Morning Chronicle St-Georges Day – Tomorrow, April 23rd, being St-George’s Day, the St-George’s Society with others of English and Welsh origin, who may join in the ranks of the …
Canadian Ambassador to Tunisia visits Québec High School
There is learning through books and learning through lectures, but when you can have someone from outside the walls of the school come in to speak about life out in …