TODAY IS TAX DAY!!! Revenue Québec reminds citizens that they have until midnight tonight to submit their Income Tax Returns (déclaration de revenues). So far, 88 per cent of expected …
QCT Print Edition – April 25 2018
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Jeffery Hale Volunteers are BERRY much appreciated!
Jeffery Hale Community Partners held a berry special evening to show their appreciation for their volunteers on April 19. As volunteers arrived, they were greeted at the door by none …
Long may they reign, but whither the monarchy in Canada?
How many Canadians have been in the same air space as our monarchical masters? I, for one, have had only three remote royal encounters: The Queen, from a huge crowd …
Letter to the Editor – School board elections an opportunity for community engagement
With the recent [government] announcements in the healthcare sector, it is now more important than ever that we, the members of the English-speaking community, get involved. It is up to …
Memorials and Things of Fame
April 24, 1818 – The Quebec Gazette The Quebec Fire Society advertised for the supplying of four new cases for fire engines to be made of seasoned sound white oak …
The story behind Rue de l’Aigle-d’Or
This street in the Duberger-Les Saules district of Quebec City was named after the Aigle d’Or (golden eagle), a French ship that arrived in this city on Aug. 18, 1665, …
Now is the time to consent to organ and tissue donation
Héma-Québec is teaming up with Transplant Québec and the Régie de l’assurance maladie (RAMQ) during National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, April 22 to 28, to invite everyone who …
Visit the Voltigeurs’ newly restored and renovated Manège Militaire
In last week’s edition, the QCT informed you of the official opening ceremony and return of the Voltigeurs to their Manège Militaire on May 12. We have since learned that …
QHS’s 10th Trivia Night celebrates 10 years of tough questions
Team members put on their thinking caps for the 10th edition of Quebec High School’s fundraising event Trivia Night! On April 20, more than 20 teams filled the gym with …