Ateliers du Carnaval pull back the curtain on night parades
Ateliers du Carnaval pull back the curtain on night parades Cassandra Kerwin, Local Journalism Initiative reporter Over the past weeks, the staff at Les Ateliers du Carnaval has been …

Black History Month roundtable launches ninth edition of celebrations
Black History Month roundtable launches ninth edition of celebrations Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter The Table de concertation du Mois de l’Histoire des Noirs de Québec (TCMHNQ; Quebec …
Historical Gala tops off Morrin Centre anniversary celebrations
Historical Gala tops off Morrin Centre anniversary celebrations Oksana Mukhina Once in a lifetime, every person needs a chance to use a time machine. Although scientists are still perfecting …

REVIEW: Bandura virtuoso Maryna Krut brings sounds of Ukraine to Grand Théâtre
REVIEW Bandura virtuoso Maryna Krut brings sounds of Ukraine to Grand Théâtre Oksana Mukhina The foyer de la salle Louis-Frechette of the Grand Théâtre de Québec, where acoustic concerts …

REVIEW: Concerts Couperin highlights music of La France en Chanson
REVIEW Concerts Couperin highlights music of La France en Chanson...

REVIEW: Timeless Danse Lhasa Danse performance lives on
REVIEW Timeless Danse Lhasa Danse performance lives on Danielle Burns A performance celebrating the work of the timeless Mexican-American-Canadian singer-songwriter Lhasa de Sela has withstood the test of time, …

Lights-out looms for Avenue Cartier lampshades amid arts funding crunch
Lights-out looms for Avenue Cartier lampshades amid arts funding crunch Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter The 34 giant lampshades on Avenue Cartier, which have displayed a range of …

OFF Carnaval celebrates 140th anniversary of Dufferin Terrace ice slide
OFF Carnaval celebrates 140th anniversary of Dufferin Terrace ice slide Danielle Burns The residents and businesses in Old Quebec aren’t going to let Bonhomme have all the fun! OFF …

REVIEW: Emanuel Ax plays Beethoven at OSQ concert
REVIEW Emanuel Ax plays Beethoven at OSQ concert Shirley Nadeau Grammy-winning American classical pianist Emanuel Ax performed with the Orchestre symphonique de Québec (OSQ) at the Palais Montcalm on …

REVIEW: Popcorn is served with a touch of humour at McGreevy Manor
REVIEW Popcorn is served with a touch of humour at McGreevy Manor Shirley Nadeau A group of residents at McGreevy Manor recently presented the première performance of Popcorn, a short … Continue reading REVIEW: Popcorn is served with a touch of humour at McGreevy Manor