REVIEW: Voces Domini launch Musica sacra in ecclesia at Notre-Dame Cathedral
REVIEW: Voces Domini launch Musica sacra in ecclesia at Notre-Dame Cathedral Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com...

REVIEW: OSQ presents Mozart’s Requiem
REVIEW: OSQ presents Mozart’s Requiem Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com...

REVIEW: Le Club Musical presents Leonidas Kavakos
REVIEW: Le Club Musical presents Leonidas Kavakos Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com...

REVIEW: Concerts Couperin offers a powerfully romantic program
REVIEW: Concerts Couperin offers a powerfully romantic program Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com Les Concerts Couperin, which has been presenting chamber music concerts in Quebec City since 1956, offered Romantique delights on …

REVIEW: QAC puts on a brilliant performance of Les Belles-Soeurs
REVIEW QAC puts on a brilliant performance of Les Belles-Soeurs Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com The 15 actors of the Quebec Art Company (QAC) presented an outstanding performance of the English version …
Mural on Dufferin-Montmorency pillars gift to the people who live there
Mural on Dufferin-Montmorency pillars gift to the people who live there Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com A four-pillar, double-sided mural was unveiled on Nov 12 in the presence of Ville de Québec …

Salon du livre des Premières Nations highlights Indigenous narratives
Salon du livre des Premières Nations highlights Indigenous narratives Sarah Elworthy sarah@qctonline.com The 13th edition of the Salon du livre des Premières Nations (SLPN), hosted by Kwahiatonhk!, took place from …

Place Royale ‘Stayin’ Alive’ with Disco Ball Cement Truck party
Place Royale ‘Stayin’ Alive’ with Disco Ball Cement Truck party Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com It was just 60 minutes into the four-hour dance party put on by EXMURO in front …

German Christmas Market returns on Nov. 21
German Christmas Market returns on Nov. 21 Ruby Pratka Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com The sights, sounds and smells of the Quebec City German Christmas Market (Marché de Noël allemand …

Salon du livre des Premières Nations returns to celebrate Indigenous voices
Salon du livre des Premières Nations returns to celebrate Indigenous voices Sarah Elworthy sarah@qctonline.com From Nov. 14-17, Quebec City will host the 13th annual Salon du livre des Premières Nations …