Peaceful but noisy truck convoy takes over Upper Town
Peaceful but noisy truck convoy takes over Upper Town Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com Thousands of people from around the province converged on Quebec City this past weekend to call for an …

Gopal Ducharme goes the distance for suicide prevention
Gopal Ducharme goes the distance for suicide prevention Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com Four hundred and forty- four kilometres. That’s how far it is from Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, just south of Montreal, to Quebec …
Black History Month events celebrate rebuilding
Black History Month events celebrate rebuilding Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter ruby@qctonline.com The Table de concertation du Mois de l’Histoire des Noirs de Québec (TCHMNQ) launched Black History Month …

Quebecers discover exotic flavours at La Poutine Week
Quebecers discover exotic flavours at La Poutine Week Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com La Poutine Week is back for a two-week edition this year, from Feb. 1-14. Most Quebecers are familiar with …

Five years after mosque shooting, Muslim community continues to heal
Five years after mosque shooting, Muslim community continues to heal Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com For the fifth consecutive year, Quebecers, along with Canadians across the nation, gathered to mark the fifth …
Captain Tramway: Marchand vows to rally public to transit project
Captain Tramway: Marchand vows to rally public to transit project Peter Black, Local Journalism Initiative reporter peterblack@qctonline.com In the wake of dwindling support for the massive tramway plan, Mayor Bruno …
Former councillor Mackey: Marchand needs independent tram advice
Former councillor Mackey: Marchand needs independent tram advice Peter Black, Local Journalism Initiative reporter peterblack@qctonline.com Anew city hall administration inherits a big and controversial transportation scheme from the previous crew. …

Marchand eager to listen to all sides on nickel
Marchand eager to listen to all sides on nickel Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter ruby@qctonline.com Mayor Bruno Marchand wants to hear all sides of the issue before deciding what …

City launches fridge challenge
City launches fridge challenge Adapted from a press release by Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter ruby@qctonline.com As part of the #accentsolidaire winter solidarity challenge series, the Ville de Québec …

PHOTOS: Quebec City prepares for 68th Winter Carnival
PHOTOS: Quebec City prepares for 68th Winter Carnival Photos by Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com...