Le Vitrail ‘two villas’ project on Chemin Sainte-Foy now renting
Le Vitrail ‘two villas’ project on Chemin Sainte-Foy now renting Peter Black, Local Journalism Initiative reporter A prominent rental condo project in the Montcalm district has a new name, and …

Santa’s elves decorate Trait-Carré in Charlesbourg
Santa’s elves decorate Trait-Carré in Charlesbourg Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com Christmas magic is spreading across the Trait-Carré sector of Charlesbourg, where Santa’s elves are busy decorating homes and playing tricks. During …
Joan of Arc Garden transformed into nightly light show
Joan of Arc Garden transformed into nightly light show Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com The National Battlefields Commission (NBC) is shedding light on the Joan of Arc Garden and proposing a panoply …

Below the Arctic Ice through the lens of Mario Cyr
Below the Arctic Ice through the lens of Mario Cyr Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com he interactive experience Below the Arctic Ice with underwater cinematographer Mario Cyr was seen by over 56,000 …

Quebec women march to end gender-based violence
Quebec women march to end gender-based violence Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com Due to bad weather on Dec. 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, the annual …

Marchand presents first budget with input from all parties
Marchand presents first budget with input from all parties Peter Black, Local Journalism Initiative reporter peterblack@qctonline.com A residential tax increase, a business tax credit, a boost in green spending and …

Medicago reports positive results for COVID-19 vaccine
Medicago reports positive results for COVID-19 vaccine Peter Black, Local Journalism Initiative reporter peterblack@qctonline.com Canada’s only domestically developed COVID-19 vaccine has moved a step closer to being an option for …

Festival funding aims to bring magic back to tourism industry
Festival funding aims to bring magic back to tourism industry Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter ruby@qctonline.com Ten regional events will share over $2.5 million in provincial government funding as …
Former zoo greenhouse doomed; city to develop grounds
Former zoo greenhouse doomed; city to develop grounds Peter Black, Local Journalism Initiative reporter peterblack@qctonline.com The large greenhouse on the site of the former Quebec zoo will be demolished early …
Véronique Dallaire gets the ball rolling on accessibility
Véronique Dallaire gets the ball rolling on accessibility Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter ruby@qctonline.com As a young mother pushing a stroller through city streets while dealing with her own …