Valcartier Used Book Sale and Family Day
In exchange for a donation to the library, bibliophiles went home with armloads, even boxes full of good reading material. There was a great turnout for Family Day at …
Two Quebec women’s rugby teams are provincial champions
On a hot and humid Saturday, Aug. 17, Rugby Québec held the provincial championships at the Académie Saint-Louis field in Quebec City. The Club de Rugby de Québec (CRQ), which …
Jesse Cooke takes Domaine Forget by storm
Canadian acoustic guitar virtuoso Jesse Cooke gave an outstanding performance at the Domaine Forget in Saint-Irénée on Aug. 17. Accompanied by his band of four, he played his signature combination …
Exploring the Grand Marché a delicious adventure
Have you had a chance to visit the Grand Marché yet? The new marketplace in the former Pavillon de Commerce at ExpoCité is spacious, bright, airy and filled with fresh …
Tour Old Quebec by lantern light
Imagine yourself as an Irish immigrant who has just landed in Quebec City in the summer of 1847 after a two-month ocean crossing. After clearing immigration and being disinfected on …
Quebec City welcomes Royalty
In August of 1919, Quebec City was enthralled by the visit of the 20-year-old Prince of Wales, who would later become King Edward VIII. The Quebec Chronicle provided extensive coverage …
Woodstock at 50: Still trying to get back to the garden
None of us had enough “bread” to cover the cost and few of us were old enough to drive even if the “old man” would lend us his “wheels.” So, …
The story behind Rue De Buade
Rue De Buade is named in honour of Louis de Buade, better known as the Comte de Frontenac et de Palluau (1622-1698), who was governor general of New France from …
August 13, 1819 – The Quebec GazetteFound adrift yesterday by Mr. Pierre Dugal, of the parish of St. Michel, and now in his possession, a raft of oak and pine …
Benin’s hidden treasures
My mother and I are two of about a half-dozen guests staying in a hulking, six-storey, past-its-prime hotel in Cotonou, Benin.The electricity and Wi-Fi take occasional breaks, the locks are …