Immigrants and Quebecers protest against francisation cuts
Immigrants and Quebecers protest against francisation cuts Cassandra Kerwin, Local Journalism Initiative reporter cassandra@qctonline.com As generations of newcomers to the province have found out, living in Quebec means communicating in …
Twinning programs provide francisation opportunities amid funding cuts
Twinning programs provide francisation opportunities amid funding cuts Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com Adult literacy organization Le Sac à Mots, based in Cowansville [in the Eastern Townships] is …

Morrin Centre S.T.E.A.M Club gets cooking for the holidays
Morrin Centre S.T.E.A.M Club gets cooking for the holidays...

REVIEW: What the Heck brings Electric Fever to St. Lawrence
REVIEW: What the Heck brings Electric Fever to St. Lawrence Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com CEGEP Champlain–St. Lawrence transformed its amphitheatre into a vibrant rock ‘n’ roll venue for two nights on …

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS HAMPER CAMPAIGN: International Lunch supports CCHC Photos by Shirley Nadeau and Hugh Glassco...

REVIEW: A donkey, humour and a musical saw
REVIEW: A donkey, humour and a musical saw Oksana Mukhina oksana@qctonline.com When you cross the threshold of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, which turned 220 years old this year, …

Olympian and med student Jean-Simon Desgagnés talks about stress under pressure
Olympian and med student Jean-Simon Desgagnés talks about stress under pressure Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com As finals approached and stress and anxiety levels rose, CEGEP Champlain-St. Lawrence invited Olympic runner Jean-Simon …
Morrin Centre’s 14th Literary Feast celebrates LHSQ’s 200th anniversary
Morrin Centre’s 14th Literary Feast celebrates LHSQ’s 200th anniversary QCT staff After a wander through the recently refurbished Behind Bars: The Quebec Gaol and Its People, 1812-1867 exhibit and a …

The Community Christmas Hamper Campaign is more important than ever
COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS HAMPER CAMPAIGN The Community Christmas Hamper Campaign is more important than ever Submitted by Brigitte Wellens, executive director of Voice of English-speaking Quebec and member of the Hamper …

REVIEW: QAC puts on a brilliant performance of Les Belles-Soeurs
REVIEW QAC puts on a brilliant performance of Les Belles-Soeurs Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com The 15 actors of the Quebec Art Company (QAC) presented an outstanding performance of the English version …