Every month is Black History Month for South Shore educator
Every month is Black History Month for South Shore educator Myriam Labbé myriam@qctonline.com In Montreal, Black History Month has been celebrated for more than 25 years. In the United States, …

PHOTO: Salut Bonhomme!
Salut Bonhomme! ...

PHOTOS: Professionals and amateurs sculpt the Scotiabank Snow Route
Professionals and amateurs sculpt the Scotiabank Snow Route Photos by Cassandra Kerwin...

FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE W.B. EDWARDS STUDIO: Princess Elizabeth visits Quebec City in 1951
FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE W.B. EDWARDS STUDIO: Princess Elizabeth visits Quebec City in 1951 Submitted by Martin Edwards Queen Elizabeth II began her now 70-year reign following the death …
PHOTO: Duchess reunites with Bonhomme Carnaval decades later
PHOTO: Duchess reunites with Bonhomme Carnaval decades later...

CARTOON: Olympic events we don’t want
CARTOON: Olympic events we don’t want ...

PHOTOS: Limoilou residents protest proposed increase to nickel norms
PHOTOS: Limoilou residents protest proposed increase to nickel norms Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com...

MEET THE NOONERS: 60 Years of Food and Fellowship – Part 2 of 2
MEET THE NOONERS: 60 Years of Food and Fellowship – Part 2 of 2 Submitted by Arthur Plumpton A typical Nooner Thursday luncheon at the Continental restaurant during most of …

Gopal Ducharme goes the distance for suicide prevention
Gopal Ducharme goes the distance for suicide prevention Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com Four hundred and forty- four kilometres. That’s how far it is from Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, just south of Montreal, to Quebec …

Quebecers discover exotic flavours at La Poutine Week
Quebecers discover exotic flavours at La Poutine Week Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com La Poutine Week is back for a two-week edition this year, from Feb. 1-14. Most Quebecers are familiar with …