Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle We beg our friends to bear with us under circumstances which, though not otherwise than gratifying, are beyond our control. The sitting of Parliament occurring at …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle Duncanson’s View of Quebec: The photographer has done his work in excellent style; in fact, it is one of the best among the many exquisite copies …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle Where is it? We find the following paragraph going the rounds of our contemporaries. We should like to know where the rich “placer” therein alluded to, …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle March 27, 1864: An excellent display of Easter meats may be expected at our city markets today and more particularly at the Upper Town and Champlain …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle Mr. Hough of St. Anne street, has in his possession, not an Egyptian mummy, but a human skeleton forming part of the trunk of a tree. …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle A man named James Moffatt gave himself into custody last night stating that he had deserted from Her Majesty’s 14th Foot at Trinidad, W.I. in 1860. …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle Execution of John Meehan for Murder! Six to eight thousand persons present. Yesterday, our city witnessed the melancholy and unusual spectacle of an unfortunate man suffering …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle As we anticipated, the musical soiree at the Music Hall under the auspices of the St. Patrick’s Catholic and Literary Institute, met with the most …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle On Saturday morning, about half-past seven o’clock, several carters who were standing at the corner of Notre Dame and Sous-le-Fort streets, Lower Town, heard faint …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1864 The Morning Chronicle There is a by-law in force in this city which states that if any person shall fire or discharge any gun, fowling-piece or fire-arm in any …