Memorials and things of fame
The Morning Telegraph 1848 At the meeting of the City Council, a by-law was passed for opening a new street in St. John Suburb to be called “Scott Street,” of …
Memorials and things of fame
The Morning Telegraph 1848 Recently, in England, seventy-seven miles were passed over by an express train in seventy eight minutes twenty-nine seconds, including a stoppage of five minutes, …
Memorials and things of fame
The Morning Chronicle 1848 Sir, Allow me through your excellent journal, to call the attention of our city fathers to the dangerous state of the wall overhanging that delightful lane …
Memorials and things of fame
The Morning Chronicle 1848 A Chance for Ladies A sentimental looking “son of toil” called at the publishing office on Tuesday last; and seemed greatly disappointed in not finding our …
Memorials and things of fame
1848 The Morning Chronicle Yesterday afternoon, one of the excavators employed in laying the gas pipes, met with a serious injury. It appears that in “blasting” the rock near the …
Memorials and Things of Fame
1772 Wealth of the United States The report of the Patent Office, recently made, presents interesting statistics relative to the wealth of the Union. The population of the United States …
Memorials and Things of Fame
The Morning Chronicle 1848 A Dog Story A gentleman of the name of McLaffin, a few years ago, possessed a dog that was remarkable for his sagacity. He one day, …
The Morning Chronicle 1848 We have just returned from the wharf, where we had the pleasure of witnessing a most manly feat accomplished by Mr. Woodroofe, that of swimming across …
The Morning Chronicle 1848 An inquest was held yesterday forenoon in view of the body of a little boy, two years and a-half, named Dodier, who died on Monday, and …
The Morning Chronicle 1848 Our readers will observe in our columns of this day, a copy of two addresses, which have been presented to Captain James Rainey and Dr. Greer, …