Letters from Afghanistan
Last night was an interesting experience for me. Wednesday night is Open Mike night at the Board Walk, so as the sound crew was setting up the stage for the …
Letters from Afghanistan – Toilet Scribbling
Over the years, I have come to espouse a theory: that the state of a given society can be determined by the words of wisdom that its members write on …
Vive le Québec français !
In 1996, after twelve years of regular service in the Canadian Forces all over this country and abroad, I hung my shingle out as a civilian in this town, quickly …
A funny way to kick off a new era of accountability
It’s a funny way to kick off a new era of accountability, the way the Central Quebec School Board is being so hush hush about National Assembly Bill 88, scheduled …
Riding the Tiger
On January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy gave his inaugural address after being elected president of the United States of America. It was a stirring speech. I actually have it …
Obama visit a good sign for Canada-US relations: Consul General to Quebec City
With US President Barack Obama expected to land in Ottawa Thursday for his first official international visit, political pundits are expounding on the significance of the trip and speculating about …
St. Lawrence Well Represented at Forum Etudiant
The 17th edition of the Forum Etudiant took place from January 6th to January 10th 2009 at the National Assembly and the Delta Hotel in Québec. 5 Students from St. …
Obama portrait a labour of love
In a building that once housed a women’s undergarment manufacturer and a ball bearing factory, one can find artist Tom Cohen’s studio. Drawing on the consumer products that populate our …
Quebecers gather for President Obama
People crowded into chairs around a big screen, pushed against the bar and stood on their tiptoes in the adjoining hallway this Tuesday at Universite Laval to get a glimpse …
Snapshot of an ever-shifting political landscape
Four years ago, when the Parti Québécois was engaged in another of its bruising internal battles, Premier Jean Charest stepped back, and with the péquiste fur flying, looked on with …