Monumental Views: The statue of Samuel de Champlain
Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com This large statue of Samuel de Champlain, the founder of Quebec City, is probably the most photographed statue in town. Located on Dufferin Terrace next to Château …
MONUMENT VIEWS: The story behind Pierre-Dugua-de-Mons Terrace
MONUMENT VIEWS: The story behind Pierre-Dugua-de-Mons Terrace Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com Believe it or not, dear readers, but we are running out of interesting street names to write about! After almost …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Avenue Lavigerie
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Avenue Lavigerie Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com This street is named in honour of Charles-Martial Lavigerie, (1825-1892), a French Catholic cardinal, Archbishop of Carthage and Algiers and …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue d’Irlande
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue d’Irlande Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com This street is named after the island of Ireland, which is part of the British Isles. In the fifth century, …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue McMahon, St. Patrick’s Church and the Celtic Cross
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue McMahon, St. Patrick’s Church and the Celtic Cross Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com The façade of the former St. Patrick’s Church on Rue McMahon (now integrated …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue Riopelle
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue Riopelle Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com This street is named in honour of Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923-2002), one of Quebec and Canada’s best-known artists. Born in Montreal, …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue du Pont
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue du Pont Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com Rue du Pont owes its name to the second Dorchester Bridge to which it leads, which is named after …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue Valentin
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue Valentin Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com With this week’s edition falling so close to Valentine’s Day, your scribe was hoping there was a Quebec City street …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Avenue Kepler
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Avenue Kepler Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com This street was named in honour of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), a German astronomer, mathematician, astrologer and natural philosopher. A key …

STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue Marc-Chagall
STREET VIEWS: The story behind Rue Marc-Chagall Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com This street was named in honour of Marc Chagall (1887-1985), a French painter of Russian origin, who came from a …