Ministry appointment concerns school board association
Ministry appointment concerns school board association Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter The Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) has expressed concerns about the consultation process that led to …
Study raises concerns about mental health of English-speaking fathers
Study raises concerns about mental health of English-speaking fathers Ruby Pratka English-speaking men and men with children have been hit harder by the impacts of the pandemic, both economic …
Pandemic widens digital divide, literacy groups say
Pandemic widens digital divide, literacy groups say Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter As the Quebec government rolled out the vaccine passport program last summer, thousands of Quebecers …
New COVID protocols limit case reporting in schools
New COVID protocols limit case reporting in schools Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter Teachers around the province are raising concerns about student safety and COVID-19 case reporting as …
Changes to nickel norms divide City Council
Changes to nickel norms divide City Council Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter A proposed provincial regulation aimed at raising the level of nickel allowed in the air has …
‘Too much stick, not enough carrot’: Panellists critique Bill 96
‘Too much stick, not enough carrot’: Panellists critique Bill 96 Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter The Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) explored Bill 96 from all angles at …

Historian explores ‘genealogy’ of best-treated minority trope
Historian explores ‘genealogy’ of best-treated minority trope Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter Concordia University historian Patrick Donovan is delving into the oft-instrumentalized trope that the English-speaking community of …

ELAN welcomes new executive director Vanessa Herrick
ELAN welcomes new executive director Vanessa Herrick Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter Vanessa Herrick, the incoming executive director of the English Language Arts Network (ELAN), has come full …

Scottish Quebecers petition for recognition of official tartan
Scottish Quebecers petition for recognition of official tartan Shirley Nadeau On Dec. 18, 2003, the National Assembly enacted Bill 190: An Act to Proclaim Tartan Day, to honour the …
Health tax proposal worries anti-poverty activists
Health tax proposal worries anti-poverty activists Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter Anti-poverty activists around the province are raising concerns that Premier François Legault’s proposed “health tax” could push …