English-speaking community groups react to budget with cautious optimism
English-speaking community groups react to budget with cautious optimism Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com Groups representing the English-speaking community across the province reacted with cautious optimism and concern …

Nurses’ union rallies for new agreement
Nurses’ union rallies for new agreement...
Provincewide Youth Forum gets young adults talking
Provincewide Youth Forum gets young adults talking Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com About 100 English-speaking teens and young adults from around the province gathered at the Concordia Conference …
State secularism law upheld by appeals court
State secularism law upheld by appeals court Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com Quebec’s controversial state secularism leg- islation, known as Bill 21, which forbids authority figures including police …
Provincewide forum seeks perspectives of local English-speaking youth
Provincewide forum seeks perspectives of local English-speaking youth Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com Provincewide civic participation organization Youth 4 Youth Québec (Y4Y) is seeking young people aged 16-30 …
QCNA Newsmatters: Local newspapers produce game-changing coverage
QCNA Newsmatters: Local newspapers produce game-changing coverage Content provided by the Quebec Community Newspapers Association “We have boots on the ground, and often our stories get picked up by larger … Continue reading QCNA Newsmatters: Local newspapers produce game-changing coverage
QCNA NEWSMATTERS: Local news by the numbers
QCNA NEWSMATTERS: Local news by the numbers Content provided by the Quebec Community Newspapers Association 10,815 Local Journalism Initiative articles on civic issues produced at QCNA publications between April 2019 … Continue reading QCNA NEWSMATTERS: Local news by the numbers
QCNA NEWSMATTERS: Community newspapers emerging as last journalistic soldiers standing
QCNA NEWSMATTERS: Community newspapers emerging as last journalistic soldiers standing Content provided by the Quebec Community Newspapers Association “Community newspapers aren’t just filling the gap, they’re the whole fabric.” … Continue reading QCNA NEWSMATTERS: Community newspapers emerging as last journalistic soldiers standing
Public sector workers ratify collective agreement
Public sector workers ratify collective agreement Ruby Pratka, Local Journalism Initiative reporter editor@qctonline.com The four trade union federations of the Front Commun bloc, representing more than 420,000 public sector health, …

Journalist Marie-Ève Martel makes a plea for local news
Journalist Marie-Ève Martel makes a plea for local news Alphonsine Sefu alphonsine@qctonline.com Over the past few months, Bell Media, TVA and CBC / Radio-Canada have laid off journalists and many …