OBITUARY: Arthur George BOUSQUET (1942-2024)
OBITUARY: Arthur George BOUSQUET (1942-2024) Arthur George Bousquet was born in Winchester, Massachusetts on June 1, 1942, to Arthur Bousquet and Germaine Bousquet (née Paradis). He passed away peacefully at … Continue reading OBITUARY: Arthur George BOUSQUET (1942-2024)
OBITUARY: Claire (Haberlin) McBAIN (1945-2024)
OBITUARY: Claire (Haberlin) McBAIN (1945-2024) It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our cherished mom, Claire, on Feb. 29, 2024 at the age of 78. She … Continue reading OBITUARY: Claire (Haberlin) McBAIN (1945-2024)
OBITUARY: Elizabeth (Beth) Joan Jackson CLIBBON (1938-2024)
OBITUARY: Elizabeth (Beth) Joan Jackson CLIBBON (1938-2024) Elizabeth “Beth” Joan Jackson Clibbon, a longtime resident of Sillery, Que- bec, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval, … Continue reading OBITUARY: Elizabeth (Beth) Joan Jackson CLIBBON (1938-2024)
OBITUARY: John Thomas KITCHING (1939-2024)
OBITUARY: John Thomas KITCHING (1939-2024) John Thomas Kitching, 84, of Ste-Foy, Quebec, passed away peacefully at Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Quebec (IUCPQ) on Feb. 23, 2024. … Continue reading OBITUARY: John Thomas KITCHING (1939-2024)
The QCT honours Pierre Asselin (1955-2024)
The QCT honours Pierre Asselin (1955-2024) Shirley Nadeau The QCT was saddened to learn that Pierre Asselin, a journalist with Le Soleil for over 30 years, died Jan. … Continue reading The QCT honours Pierre Asselin (1955-2024)
OBITUARY: Norman Edward BROWN (1930-2024)
OBITUARY: Norman Edward BROWN (1930-2024) Mr. Norman Edward Brown, husband of the late Rolande Guillot, passed away at the Centre d’hébergement Saint-Antoine on January 12, 2024, at the age of … Continue reading OBITUARY: Norman Edward BROWN (1930-2024)
OBITUARY: Catherine (nee Maroney) DAVIDSON
OBITUARY: Catherine (nee Maroney) DAVIDSON Catherine Linda Joyce Maroney (Davidson) died peacefully at Ottawa General on Jan. 18, 2024 at the age of 75. She is survived by her sisters … Continue reading OBITUARY: Catherine (nee Maroney) DAVIDSON
OBITUARY: Robert GAGNÉ (1929-2023)
OBITUARY: Robert GAGNÉ (1929-2023) Robert Gagné died at the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis, on Dec. 12, 2023, at the age of 94 years and five months. He was the husband of … Continue reading OBITUARY: Robert GAGNÉ (1929-2023)
OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023)
OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023) Alex John Walling, also known as A.J. (born 1946) was a Canadian sports analyst and broadcaster. He passed away peacefully on Nov. 25, 2023, … Continue reading OBITUARY: Alex John (A.J.) WALLING (1946-2023)
Mario HUDON 1960-2023: A sportscaster and friend gone too soon at 63
Mario HUDON 1960-2023: A sportscaster and friend gone too soon at 63 Luc Lang As people across Quebec bid farewell to singer Karl Tremblay of Les Cowboys Fringants, sports … Continue reading Mario HUDON 1960-2023: A sportscaster and friend gone too soon at 63