WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Discovering the story behind the curious colours of the belted kingfisher
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Discovering the story behind the curious colours of the belted kingfisher Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com “The river is such a tranquil place, a place to sit …

WALK on the WILD SIDE: Evening grosbeaks on special endangered wildlife list
Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com Even if the calendar indicates that spring has arrived, it seems that winter has prolonged its stay, so to see a glamorous yellow bird at a bird …

WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: A closer look at the mourning dove
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: A closer look at the mourning dove Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com Even amateur birdwatchers, when they hear the distinctive mournful cooooOOOOO-woo-woo-woo sound in the middle of …
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: The 47th SAAC Agriculture Show goes virtual
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: The 47th SAAC Agriculture Show goes virtual Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com Llise@qCtonline.Com La Semaine de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et de la consommation (SAAC), the largest student-organized …

WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: In search of solutions for the Parc Michel-Chartrand deer
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: In search of solutions for the Parc Michel-Chartrand deer Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com “That night she dreamed of the deer. Strangely, the animal was holding her. …

WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: A rose has thorns, a cat has claws…
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: A rose has thorns, a cat has claws… Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com A rose has thorns, a cat has claws; certainly, both are worth the risk …

WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: What do you see when you look up at the moon?
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: What do you see when you look up at the moon? Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com On the night of Oct. 20, if you looked up at …
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Pet lovers gather at SNAC
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Pet lovers gather at SNAC Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com There are 150 million cats and dogs in North America. Out of this number, around 8.1 million …
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Look up in the sky…someone is watching you!
WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Look up in the sky…someone is watching you! Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com You cannot look up at the night sky on Planet Earth and not wonder …
A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Finding the yellow-bellied sapsucker, the mysterious forest sculptor
A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Finding the yellow-bellied sapsucker, the mysterious forest sculptor Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com Finding a tree with a strange pattern of holes (“Who is decorating the …