Rogerson, Nikki Rourke, Presley Rourke, Benjamin Roy, Olivier Royer,
Dylan Bradley Sheridan, Édouard Thériault, Frédérique Thibault,
Xavier Trahan, Catherine Vallée, Aditya Narain Vashishth, Rebecca
Welker* and Amy Wright.
*International exchange students, not in photo (Photo courtesy of Quebec High School)
Presenting the Quebec High School class of 2021!
Shirley Nadeau
The Quebec High School graduation ceremony took place virtually this year for the second year in a row, with the event recorded and watched online by graduates’ relatives and friends. Only students, teachers and staff were present as the class of 2021 received their diplomas and awards for all their efforts over the past year. “This year ended as it started; parents and families invited us into their homes and we invited them into our classrooms,” said principal Warren Thomson. “With an amazing amount of trust, teamwork and Presenting the Quebec High School class of 2021 collaboration, the class of 2021 accomplished an incredible feat. I am confident that they are well prepared to take on the future challenges this uncertain world will throw at us. They proved that they can adapt to change and now I am certain they will be the ones pushing for it in the future, for the better.”
– Catherine Vallée (Valedictorian): Matheson Cup, Montminy Wolfe Science Mathematics Award, Proficiency in French Mother Tongue, The Fry Shield
– Jacob Rodrigue (Salutatorian): Janice and Steve Pound Award, Montminy Wolfe Social Science Award, CEGEP Champlain-St. Lawrence Scholarship for academic achievement in English
– Charles Frégeau: Donald Harriet Memorial Award, School Volunteer Award, Citadel Youth Volunteer Award, Reunion ’88 Award, Mrs. Pearl Treggett-Weller Memorial Prize for Proficiency in Contemporary World
– Didi Luis Lavertue: Dean Norman Memorial Prize for Proficiency in Cultural, Social and Technical Mathematics, Proficiency in Psychology
– Alicia Allain: Couture-Juhasz Student Ambassador Award, ABCD Award, Donald Simons Award
– Emma Barnard: Proficiency in English, Proficiency in History of Contemporary Music, Mrs. Pearl Treggett -Weller Memorial Prize for achievement in Visual Art, Award for outstanding contribution to Creative Writing
– Kane Rogerson: The Sanheim Award for artistic ability in Music Option, Father Alexis D.R. Arul Memorial Prize
– Nguyen Anh Khoa Pham: Jerry Trzeciak Award for Proficiency in Physics, Proficiency in Chemistry
– Aditya Narain Vashishth: Triple Credit Stuart Dunn Memorial Prize, Proficiency in Science Mathematics
– Hailey Chum: Vasili Arkhipov Award, St. John’s Lodge No. 3 Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons Jean-Luc Dutil Award
– Rosie Dumoulin: St. John’s Lodge No. 3 Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award
– Althéa Beck: St. John’s Lodge No. 3 Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons Alfie Cooper Award
– Derek Laforest: Most Improved in Science Mathematics, Kennedy Award
– Laura Demers: Most Improved in English
– Sarah McCoubrey: Most Improved in French Second Language Enriched
– Jacob Gingras: Proficiency in Woodworking
– Melinda Ballok: Proficiency in Fitness
– Christine Baker: David E. Blinco Bursary
– Edouard Thériault: Nelson Shield – Bronwen May: Nelson Shield
– Zak Lefrançois: Brock Award –
-Emerik Prévost, Benjamin Roy and Ken Lin: Eastern Québec Learning Centre Vocational Training Bursary
– Jaymie Bisson: Rosenhek Award
– Hugo Kingsborough: Student Council Executive of Quebec High School Award