WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: Birdwatching leads to treasures in bloom Lise Lafond lise@qctonline.com Sometimes birdwatching turns into something else. Waiting for a bird to come out of its hiding…
Tag Archives: August 18 2021
Community Calendar of Events
Community Calendar of Events
Compiled by Shirley Nadeau
From July 28 to Aug. 23, ComediHa! brings the best of French-language standup to Quebec City. Performances take place in person at the Palais Montcalm or via livestream at comediha.tv. All shows are free, although seats at live performances must be reserved in advance. For detailed information on performers and ticket reservations, visit the festival website at comedihafest.com.
Festivent 2021 is taking place in Lévis from Aug. 4 to 22. More than 30 artists will tread the boards of the four stages of Festivent and “captive” hot air balloons will rise four times a week. For details, visit festivent.ca.
The Festibière de Québec takes place from Aug. 5 to 29, at a microbrewery near you and at outdoor festival sites in the Vieux-Port area and in Saint-Romuald (Lévis). To learn more about this year’s Festibière, visit infofestibiere.com/quebec.
Wednesday, Aug. 18 at noon – Musical Wednesdays concert at Chalmers-Wesley United Church, 78 rue Ste-Ursule in Old Quebec, featuring mezzo-soprano Zita Bombardier and pianist Frédérick Desroches. On Aug. 25, the 78th Fraser Highlanders with Pipe Major Alan Stairs and lead tip (drummer) Don Neilson perform. All concerts are free, although donations are welcome. For more details about the concert series, visit chalmerswesley.org.
Sunday, Aug. 22 – The traditional Soirée Opéra returns to La Scala restaurant, 31 Boul. René-Lévesque Ouest. Savour a seven-course meal while enjoying live music by a cast of classical singers and musicians. Reservations required. Call 418-525-4545 or visit restolascala.ca for more information and reservations.
On Aug. 28 and 29, celebrate the grand opening of the Centre de glaces Intact Assurance (999 av. de Rochebelle) with free public skating, guided tours and other surprises. Skaters must reserve online in advance at ville.quebec.qc.ca/centredeglaces and bring their own skates.
Imagine Picasso, the immersive projection of more than 230 masterpieces of the artist’s work, is at the Centre des congrès de Québec until Sept. 8. For details and reservations, visit imagine-picasso.com.
On Sept. 4, 5 and 6, MondoKarnaval is back! This year’s edition will take place in person at Place Fleur de Lys (552 boul. Wilfrid-Hamel). Plenty of surprises await! Visit mondokarnaval.com and see our article here.
Sept. 9 to 11 – Envol et Macadam festival at Stade Canac. For details and reservations, visit envoletmacadam.com.
Sept. 11 and 12 – Journées du patrimoine religieux. Churches and other religious sites throughout Quebec will be open to the public. On Sept. 11 at 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. at Chalmers-Wesley United Church (78 rue Sainte-Ursule), organist Danny Belisle will perform on the 1890 Warren-built organ that was rebuilt and enlarged by Casavant Frères in 1912 and in 1981.
On Sept. 14 and 15, the Morrin Centre will present virtual storytelling workshops as part of its So the Story Goes project. Illustrator Sophie Casson will introduce budding storytellers to the art of picture book illustration. A workshop for children ages eight to 12 will be held on Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. and a workshop for teens and adults will be held Sept. 15 at 7:30 p.m. Both workshops will take place on Zoom. Reserve your place for these free activities online at morrin.org.
On Sept. 17 and 18, Arts Alive! Québec returns to the courtyard of the Morrin Centre, 44 Chaussée des Écossais in Old Quebec. The theme of the 2021 festival will be “Street Art” and the festival will gather together musicians, artists and artisans. The festival will present two concerts on Sept. 17 during which local painter Maud Besson will work on a painting inspired by the music. The painting will be officially revealed the next day. On Sept. 18, the Chaussée des Écossais will be filled with tables set up by local artisans, and festivalgoers will enjoy a concert, a workshop and various presentations by members of the community. Family activities will be held throughout the day, including a special storytime and a treasure hunt. For more information, visit the event website (morrin.org/en/ event/arts-alive-quebec-2021).

CARTOON: Vaccine passports part of the new normal
CARTOON: Vaccine passports part of the new normal…
CONTEST: Send us your best street theatre photos!
CONTEST: Send us your best street theatre photos!
QCT staff
In this (second) summer of pandemic-influenced entertainment, crowds of thousands on the Plains are out, and innovative street performances are in. Have you seen any interesting street theatre performances or impromptu outdoor concerts around the city? From now until Sept. 5, send us your best photos of street performers for a chance to see your photos in the paper and win a free QCT coffee mug! Photos should be emailed to editor@qctonline.com.

Enjoy a day at the beach at Place d’Youville this summer!
Enjoy a day at the beach at Place D’Youville this summer! Photo by Shirley Nadeau…
Barbara CORRIGAN (1928-2021)
Barbara Corrigan died peacefully on Aug. 6 at Enfant-Jésus Hospital in Quebec City in her 92nd year. She was the daughter of Patrick and Beatrice Corrigan of Saint-Gabriel- de-Valcartier, wife of James (Jimmy) Corrigan, mother of Peter (Elizabeth) and loving grandmother of Conor and Calum. Barbara will be fondly remembered by many for her gentle heart and caring nature. She was an excellent cook and a gracious hostess, and her door was always open.
She took great pleasure in making others happy, including her
grandchildren, for whom she would always make cookies and
cinnamon buns. She loved a good game of cards at which
she was quite competitive. Barbara was an avid curler in her earlier years and watched “the curling” for many more. Her faith in God kept her strong to the very end.
Special thanks to Barbara Ann Phillips for her dedication and love for her Auntie Barbara. She was an important source of support. Special thanks also to Celyne Giroux-Martel and the staff at Villa Shamrock in Shannon, Quebec, for their care and attention.
Due to COVID, a private celebration of life will be held at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Fondation CHU de Québec (fondationduchudequebec.ca).
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Équipe Québec ends nine-game road trip with huge comeback
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Football returns to Laval as 95 players report to coach Constantin
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Remparts, Lions hit the ice for upcoming season
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