2020 OLYMPICS: Canada shocks US in women’s soccer for 15th medal Luc Lang luclang@qctonline.com Jessie Fleming converted a penalty kick for a crucial goal and the Canadian women’s soccer team…
Tag Archives: August 4 2021
2020 OLYMPICS: An update on local athletes at the Games
TOKYO 2020: An update on local athletes at the Games Luc Lang luc@qctonline.com The Games of the XXXII Olympiad will close Aug. 8. After more than a week of nonstop…
Community calendar of events
Compiled by QCT staff
From July 20 to Aug. 10, pick your own blackcurrants and gooseberries at the Du Capitaine farm, 4748 chemin Royal, St-Jean de l’Île d’Orléans. Wear closed-toed shoes and bring a hat, sunscreen, water, a picnic lunch and enough plastic containers to bring your berries home. Activities may be cancelled in case of inclement weather. Call 418-956-2614 for more information.
The Festival d’opéra de Québec takes place from July 27 to Aug. 7. For more details and to reserve your tickets, visit festivaloperaquebec.com.
From July 28-Aug. 23, ComediHa! brings the best of French- language standup to Quebec City. Performances take place in person at the Palais Montcalm or via livestream at comediha.tv. All shows are free, although seats at live performances must be reserved in advance. For detailed information on performers and ticket reservations, visit the festival website at comedihafest.com.
Wednesday, Aug. 4 at noon – Musical Wednesdays concert at Chalmers-Wesley United Church, 78 rue Ste-Ursule in Old Quebec, featuring the traditional Scottish music trio Crépuscule (Christian and Dominic Haerinck and Daniel Fréchette). The Aug. 11 concert will feature pianist Alain Châteauvert. All concerts are free, although donations are welcome. Gift certificates from the Café-Bistro L’Omelette (Café de Paris) will be drawn at the end of each concert up to Sept. 1. For more details about the concert series, visit chalmerswesley.org.
The Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France take place from Aug. 5 to 15 in a new interactive format. For details, visit nouvellefrance.qc.ca/en/program.
The Festibière de Québec takes place from Aug. 5 to 29, at a microbrewery near you and at two outdoor festival sites in the Vieux- Port area and in Saint-Romuald (Lévis). To learn more about this year’s Festibière, visit visit infofestibiere.com/quebec and see article here.
Aug. 10 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. – Club musical de Québec presents the Cheng2 Duo (Bryan Cheng – cello, and Silvie Cheng – piano) at the Palais Montcalm. For reservations, visit clubmusicaldequebec.com.
Tuesday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. – SNO JOKE! English-language stand-up comedy night returns to SNO Microbrasserie Nordik at the Grand Marché. Get in some much-needed laughs as you listen to amateur and professional local comics perform live and in person, and in English! A $5 cover charge will be added to your bill at the end of the night. The show is for an 18+ audience only. For more information or to reserve, call 418-914-2104. See article here.
Voice of English-speaking Québec (VEQ) offers Out and About activities for English speakers 50 and older including free transportation. Weekly outings include shopping trips, nature activities, excursions to Île d’Orléans, visits to museums, ice cream parlour trips and more! Visit veq.ca/our-community/upcoming-events for details. To offer suggestions or to register, contact Maria Hoyt at 418-683-2366 ext. 224 or maria.hoyt@veq.ca.
The Domaine Forget in Saint-Irénée presents many free concerts by students of the International Music and Dance Academy, and outdoor activities such as yoga in the sculpture garden and movies at dusk. Concerts in the Grand Hall feature well-known singers and musicians such as Les Violons du Roy, Gregory Charles and Marc Hervieux. For information and reservations visit domaineforget.com, call 1-888-336-7438 or 418-452-3535 or visit the Domaine Forget de Charlevoix Facebook page.
Note: If there is a community event you would like to have publicized, please let us know by email at least two weeks in advance (editor@qctonline.com).
CONTEST: Send us your best street theatre photos!
CONTEST: Send us your best street theatre photos!
QCT staff
In this (second) summer of pandemic-influenced entertainment, crowds of thousands on the Plains are out, and innovative street performances are in. Have you seen any interesting street theatre performances or impromptu outdoor concerts around the city? From now until Sept. 5, send us your best photos of street performers for a chance to see your photos in the paper and win a free QCT coffee mug! Photos should be emailed to editor@qctonline.com.

SNO JOKE! English stand-up comedy night returns
SNO JOKE! English stand-up comedy night returns Submitted by SNO Microbrasserie Nordik SNO Microbrasserie Nordik in Quebec City’s Grand Marché will host its second English-language stand-up comedy night on Aug….
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: (Belated) congratulations on the QCT’s 250th from the diaspora
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: (Belated) congratulations on the QCT’s 250th from the diaspora Submitted by Dennis Apedaile Editor’s note: While QCT journalist and longtime assignment editor Shirley Nadeau was working…
OPINION: Canada Child Benefit must cover bereavement
OPINION: Canada Child Benefit must cover bereavement
Submitted by Sandra Escalera
It happens to others.
You never think it will happen to you. Tragedies are things that happen to others. The problem is that we are always the “others” for someone else. For our family, it started in May 2014 when our son Bruno, who was then five years old, was rushed to the emergency room for tests and scheduled for emergency surgery. The next day, in a small hospital room, we heard the words that marked our lives: Your son has cancer. For my family, this was the starting point for a battle for his care, because as foreign students, we were not eligible to access the public health-care system. After some ups and downs, Bruno became cancer free for three years before relapsing in 2018. He passed away in March 2019. We did not have any family living in this country, but we always felt surrounded by both friends and strangers who supported us along the way. We are incredibly grateful for all the love our son received.
In his last weeks, we counted on the incredible care of the palliative medicine team, including a social worker who helped us make all the difficult calls to arrange the funeral. Two days after Bruno got his wings, the social worker came to our house and helped us with all the administrative details. One of those details was to inform Revenue Canada of my son’s death, so they could cancel the child benefit payments. They informed us that the payment for next month was already processed, so we would receive it, but we were expected to pay it back. I clearly remember the social worker telling us that there were no death benefits for children “because they never had a job.”
At that moment I had so much on my mind that I couldn’t process what she said, but that phrase stuck with me. Why are children not considered worthy of any death benefits? Families of severely ill children are usually already struggling, taking time off from work to take care of them. Even in the case of a sudden accidental death, grieving parents have to deal with unexpected expenses, and money should not be the first thing on their minds. I know it’s possible to buy a private life insurance policy for your child to cover funeral expenses, but honestly, not everyone thinks of doing this or is able to pay for it. Others cannot buy life insurance because private insurers won’t cover a child diagnosed with a chronic health condition; this was our situation.
As I mentioned before, we were incredibly blessed. We were able to get support from private foundations and discounts from the funerary co-operative. Also, we had received some donations to fulfill our son’s last wishes. After his passing, we donated the remaining money to child- hood cancer research. Sadly, not everyone is so lucky. After consulting with other grieving families, we decided to take action.
We prepared a petition to the House of Commons to modify the rules of operation of the Canada Child Benefit to continue the payments for two months after the death of a child under 18. We firmly believe that the funeral and burial costs for a child should be considered part of the costs associated with raising that child. This would represent a small gesture that would not create an excessive burden on the public budget, as the cost would be greatly offset by the benefit for grieving families.
We are doing this in the name of Bruno and all those who left us too soon. Small coffins are the heaviest, but we as a society can help a little to lessen the burden to grieving families. We invite you to support our petition, for us, for others, for you.
You can add your signature to petition E-3526 online at petitions.ourcommons.ca. A link will also be posted on the QCT Facebook page. The petition will be available to sign until Sept. 20.
Sandra Escalera and her family live in Quebec City.
Local Baseball News: Diamants, Alouettes, Équipe Québec
Local Baseball News: Diamants, Alouettes, Équipe Québec Luc Lang luclang@qctonline.com The Québec Diamants and Charlesbourg Voyageurs were in action last week in the Ligue de Baseball Junior Élite du Québec…
2,800 baseball fans welcome Équipe Québec home
2, 800 baseball fans welcome Équipe Québec home Luc Lang luclang@qctonline.com For the first time in more than 700 days (710 to be exact) there was professional baseball at Stade…
Bioactive packaging keeps strawberries fresher
Bioactive packaging keeps strawberries fresher Ruby Pratka ruby@qctonline.com Quebec produces more strawberries than any other province. Strawberries are delicate and difficult to keep fresh. In response to this challenge, Monique…