“Hurricane Hazel,” as she is affectionately called by her supporters, is about to blow back into Quebec City, taking the city by storm for the second time this month. Hazel…
Tag Archives: Community
English Quebecers go down the brain drain
Quebec Community Groups Network Pre-sident Robert Donnelly recently appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages to address several pressing issues in Quebec’s English-language communities. Donnelly hoped…
By-law harmonization hits a dissonant note – QC’s billboards to be banned
The city of Quebec and groups representing the city’s business interests are clashing over new uniform municipal by-laws slated for all eight city boroughs. A meeting with municipal officials on…
QCT wins Best Ad award
The Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph is happy to announce a strong showing at this year’s Quebec Community Newspapers Association Awards Gala. QCT won first prize for an ad by Dominique Paquette advertising…
Memorials and Things of Fame
1848 The Morning ChronicleYesterday afternoon, at four o’clock, the corner stone of the new Wesleyan Church to be erected in this city, was laid with the accustomed ceremonies. Notwithstanding the…
J H.H. class of ‘48 reunites
We met in 1945, a group of young ladies from different provinces and backgrounds, embarking on our studies to become nurses, and not quite sure what was ahead of us….
Shalom Quebec shares 400 years of jewish history
Same Cloth, Different Threads: The Jews of Quebec City 1608-2008 will take visitors on an historical tour, at the Gare du Palais, as part of Exposition Shalom Quebec’s 400th anniversary…
Roberts writes guide for going green gradually
Every time you turn around, someone mentions “going green.” All that talk is making you positively blue.You already recycle. You buy organic, you re-use grocery bags, and saving gas is…
Government wants to increase school board democracy
Quebec education minister Michelle Courchesne presented a new bill in the National Assembly on May 13 set to modify the governance of school boards. If passed, Bill 88 would increase…
Champlain-St. Lawrence toasts its 50th anniversary
St. Lawrence alumni returned in droves this past Saturday to celebrate the school’s 50th anniversary. The anniversary event was co-ordinated to coincide with the VEQ weekend in celebration of Quebec…