During the Second World War no war front pushed closer to home than that of the Battle of the Atlantic, which raged throughout the war, from 1939-45. During that battle,…
Tag Archives: Community
Two human skeletons found on Plains
Construction workers have unwittingly unearthed an archaeological mystery on the Plains of Abraham. Two well-preserved human skeletons were discovered last February as workers broke ground for new bathroom facilities in…
Lutes hits town
Canadian songwriter and performer Rob Lutes is on tour promoting his new album, Ride the Shadows, which has been named by some sources as one of the best ten Canadian…
Spoiled ballots face destruction
By May 31, barring any last-minute intervention by the Charest government, the 4.8 million ballots from the 1995 sovereignty referendum will be shredded and presumably recycled into some post-consumer product…
Memorials and Things of Fame
1848The Morning ChronicleEditorialWe have not a light-house at Point Levi; we have none on the East India Wharf; our ships come in by chance, and go out by chance; not…
St. Matthew’s Cemetery desecrated
Last week, the newspaper received troubling news from a former Quebec City resident on some activities he witnessed on vacation in the city. While visiting St. Matthew’s Church and Cemetery,…
City has more recycling in the works
The city of Quebec is getting serious about recycling. This June, the city will begin a year-long pilot project in several boroughs where residents will be required to collect their…
School commissioners close to mission
The Fédération des commissions scolaires du Québec has hard evidence that debunks the myth that Quebec’s French-language school commissioners are not parents. The Fédération (FCSQ), an umbrella group for the…
New coin minted to honour Quebec City’s 400th
Everywhere you look there are reminders of the special significance of the year 2008 to the city of Quebec. Banners hang from streetlamps and posters sit in windows; lights arranged…
Seniors’ housing advances
The long-awaited seniors’ intermediate housing project is still chugging along. Holland Resource Development Corporation (formerly part of Holland Centre) is managing the seniors’ housing project that will be a neighbour…