Voice of English-speaking Quebec is calling on its 1,000 members and the community at large to speak out against CanWest Global’s cuts to its local television station and to protest…
Tag Archives: Community
Memorials and Things of Fame
Chronicle TelegraphMemorials and Things of FameNovember 28, 2007 Autumn – I847The statue of General Wolfe has again appeared in its accustomed locality, at the corner of Palace Street, after a…
Quebec Cardinal Marc Ouellet’s Apology to Homosexuals and Women
See the Cardinal’s full open letter (in English) here: Open Letter to Quebec Catholics From Lifesitenews.comEditorial by John-Henry WestenQUEBEC CITY, November 21, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – An Open Letter to Quebec…
Portneuf remembers
The morning of Armistice Day (Remembrance Day), November 11, we here in Portneuf were treated to a beautiful war memorial service in our lovely little St. John the Evangelist Church….
Community Notes
Sillery Creators’ annual Christmas art saleThe Association des créateurs et artisans de Sillery will hold its annual Christmas Exhibition and Sale at Bibliothèque Charles-H-Blais, 1445 Ave. Maguire, from Saturday, November…
EQLC to hold student-organized blood drive
Guylaine Émond is finishing up her program in secretarial studies at Eastern Québec Learning Centre. But before she graduates, Émond wanted to get involved in something to help her community….
Memorials and Things of Fame
stories appear exactly as originally printed. 1847From The Gazette Des Trois RivieresOn Saturday, the 18th instant a case was brought up before the Weekly Sittings of the Peace, by Bartholomew Hart…
Christmas Hamper Campaign calls on community
The head elves at Jeffery Hale Community Services are preparing for their 12th annual Community Christmas Hamper Campaign. Their objective: to raise $17,000. Hamper Campaign chief Marilyn Baxter said that…
Valcartier loses three
Left:Corporal Nicolas Raymond Beauchamp, 28, and Right: Private Michel Jr. Lévesque, 25, and their Afghan interpreter were killed on Friday, November 17 in Afghanistan when their light armoured vehicle hit…
Morin-Doyle elected chair of CQSB
Michelle Morin-Doyle was acclaimed chair of the council of commissioners by her fellow school commissioners at the Central Québec School Board. Stephen Burke was elected vice-chair. Morin-Doyle, who was elected…