LEGION REPORT Royal Canadian Legion Branch 265 takes part in Fall Fest Submitted by Jean Gervais, Branch 265, Royal Canadian Legion The annual Voice of English-Speaking Québec Fall Fest was…

LEGION REPORT Royal Canadian Legion Branch 265 takes part in Fall Fest Submitted by Jean Gervais, Branch 265, Royal Canadian Legion The annual Voice of English-Speaking Québec Fall Fest was…
Valcartier Military Family Resource Centre welcomes families Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com On Sept. 21, the last day of summer, the Valcartier Military Family Resource Centre (VMFRC) yard transformed into a temporary…
French magician making magic’s ‘boys’ club’ disappear Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com Despite having a very famous magician father, Alexandra Duvivier came to the magic world only in her teens. She grew…
REVIEW Beatles tribute band brings the ‘Fab Four’ to life at the Palais Montcalm Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com The Palais Montcalm was packed to the rafters with Beatles fans of all…
REVIEW OSQ opens 2024-2025 season with Tchaikovsky’s Pathétique symphony…
REVIEW Violons du Roy delight with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons…
Patsy Gallant celebrates 70 years onstage with gala concert…
First Montcalm Blues festival transforms Avenue Cartier…
Sun, Earth and Moon align for lunar eclipse on Harvest Moon Photos by Cassandra Kerwin…
FROM THE ARCHIVES Telling the story of the 1879 Quebec City Riot Researched by Lorie Pierce lorie@qctonline.com On Aug. 16, 1879, the headline of the Morning Chronicle read: The Riot…