The Shannon Irish Show visits Saint Brigid’s Home for St. Patrick’s Day
Cassandra Kerwin
For the Irish community, Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations go well beyond March 17. Helping to spread Irish joy and luck, Shannon Irish Show organizer Kerry Ann King brought the show to residents of Saint Brigid’s Home the afternoon of March 18.
Residents filled the common area by 1:30 p.m., to watch dancers perform jigs and Irish step dancing, and listen to the Shannon Rovers sing their hearts out. As with the original show, King brought spectators on a tour of historically significant locations in Shannon.
“Residents of Saint Brigid’s Home greatly appreciated the performance,” said Véronique Demers, living environment manager at Saint Brigid’s Home. “This was our biggest event since the start of the pandemic. We still ask all visitors to wash their hands, keep social dis- tance and wear masks and blue slippers for health reasons.
“For residents who couldn’t attend in person, we grouped them in a room where they could watch a live broadcast. We offered the same thing to those who are ill and iso- lated in their rooms with a [tablet],” said Demers.
“The concept for this event stemmed from the community. For over 150 years, the community has always been involved in Saint Brigid’s Home; it is driven by the community,” said Demers. “The resident committee, in partnership with our community partners, co-ordinated everything to make this event happen and to offer the residents a great show.” She continued, “It is very important for everyone involved that our residents are not forgotten or excluded from such events. Many of our employees and volunteers have family and friends residing here.”